Nos acheteurs fermés recherchent le navire MPP
Identifiant de la demande 272
Catégorie Polyvalent
Demander la date d'ajout 2021-06-14
Ajouté par SnP Team (Strait Shipbrokers)

Poids mesuré

TPS 6000...

Original message

Our closed Buyers are looking for the MPP vessel
Good day
SnP Friends,
Remind you, my closed Buyers are looking for the MPP vessel as flw:
- DWT 6,000 – 7,000
- GT < 6,000 (imperative)
- GEARED (imperative)
- Around 20 years old;
- Chinese blt OK;
Please to hear your direct candidates vessels, together with price guidance, market vessels well know.
Best Regards,
Strait Shipbrokers (SnP Team)
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