Nous recherchons RORO
Identifiant de la demande 307
Catégorie Navire RORO
Année de construction 2003...
Demander la date d'ajout 2021-11-28
Ajouté par Simpson | Spence | Young (Simpson | Spence | Young)

Original message

We are looking for RORO
Good day,
We have close direct clients looking for RORO with specs as follows:-
Ramps Ideally port side
Minimum 1000 lane meters
Built Year 2003 - 2010(Try Younger)
Freeboard - 3metres
Japanese/Korean/European Built
Please propose any suitable candidates for the above PE. PnC will be treated as such
All details given in good faith but without guarantee -
Yours Sincerely
Yus Handry BMJ
Sales & Purchase | Singapore
50 Raffles Place | Singapore Land Tower | #14-01/02 | 048623
Skype: Yus Handry Bmj | ICE: ybmj
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