Recherche urgente de RoRo de moins de 15 ans
Identifiant de la demande 341
Catégorie Navire RORO
Demander la date d'ajout 2021-11-28
Ajouté par Evan Jung (SNC CO., LTD.)

Dimensions du navire

Longueur hors tout (LOA), m 140...

Original message

Urgently looking for RoRo below 15 years old

We are urgently looking for RoRo for our own use.
-.Length :about 140m
-.Breath :about 22m
-.Dwt :about 4,500 ton
-.Speed :about 18 knots
-.Location of Ramp :Prefer bow/stern quarter but straight stern ramp can be considerable.
-.Age :Onward 2000 (Imperative)
-.Delivery : Prefer Asia range, but other area also considerable .
-.Remark : We are the buyer(end-user) for this vessel.
Please never offer the vessels if the age is over 15years.
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